Muszę przetłumaczyć ten tekst na angielski. pilne!
Kraj, w którym mówi się w ponad 60 językach, nowoczesność miesza się z tradycyjnością, gdzie olbrzymie miasto sąsiaduje z pustynią i dziką przyrodą. Meksyk – kraj, o którym mawiają, że ma sto twarzy.
Klimat jest tu równie różnorodny jak ukształtowanie krajobrazu – znajdziemy tu i cześć pustynną i tropikalną. Bardzo charakterystyczna jest roślinność meksykańska; z krajem tym kojarzą się przede wszystkim kaktusy. W okolicach równika znajdziemy tez typową roślinność tropikalną, np. palmy i bananowce.
Meksyk jest krajem hiszpańskojęzycznym, w tym języku porozumiemy się z większością rdzennych mieszkańców należących do licznych tu plemion indiańskich. Znajomość języka angielskiego ograniczona jest przede wszystkim do większych miast i miejscowości turystycznych. Chcąc więc podróżować po całym kraju, warto zapoznać się choć z podstawami hiszpańskiego.
Półwysep Jukatan
Będąc w Meksyku, warto zaplanować kilkudniowy pobyt na półwyspie Jukatan. Atrakcją są tu tropikalne lasy z bujną roślinnością, rafa koralowa i pozostałości po kulturze Majów. Nurkowanie na rafie koralowej to wyjątkowe przeżycie nie tylko dla wielbicieli sportów wodnych. Dzięki licznym szkołom można skorzystać z kursu, który pozwoli cieszyć się podwodną wycieczką, także początkującym nurkom. Na wybrzeżu i okolicznych wyspach znajdziemy też firmy organizujące wyprawy na rafę koralową. Częstym celem wycieczek jest wyspa Contoy – ptasi rezerwat, w którym żyją między innymi kormorany i flamingi. Wielbiciele przygód mogą też odwiedzić El Garrafon, podwodny rezerwat i rekinie jaskinie. Na Półwyspie Jukatan panują też doskonałe warunki do uprawiania różnych sportów; szczególnie popularny jest surfing i kitesurfing.
Ci, którzy wolą spokojniejszy wypoczynek mogą zatrzymać się w jednym z nadmorskich miasteczek, gdzie dzień spędza się na plaży i kąpielach w ciepłym morzu, a wieczory w tętniących życiem barach. Półwysep Jukatan to również miejsce, w którym zachowały się liczne pozostałości po cywilizacji Majów. Szczególnie dużo znajdziemy ich w stanie Campeche. Z jego stolicy możemy wyruszać na krótkie wyprawy śladami dawnych mieszkańców tej ziemi. Do najciekawszych miejsc należy Edzna, z ogromną świątynią Templo de los Cinco Pisos. W pobliżu znajduje się też plac, na którym odprawiano ceremonie i obrzędy oraz grano w pelotę - rytualną grę zespołową. Liczne odkrycia archeologiczne przyciągają turystów do Uxmal. Najsłynniejsza jest Piramida Wróżbity i Dom Żółwi ozdobiony rzeźbami przedstawiającymi te zwierzęta.
Wyprawa koleją meksykańską
W Meksyku znajduje się linia kolejowa, która nie bez przyczyny uważana jest za najbardziej widowiskową na świecie. Biegnie przez malownicze wąwozy, mosty nad przepaściami, wije się wśród wodospadów i indiańskich wiosek. To Ferrocarril Chihuahua al Pacifico. Podróż na trasie o długości 661 km zajmuje 12 godzin. To nie tylko czas na podziwianie widoków. Można też bliżej poznać rdzenną kulturę. Na stacjach często pojawiają się Indianki oferujące lokalne produkty i pamiątki.
Meksykańska Fiesta!
Kultura meksykańska charakteryzuje się wyjątkowo barwnym obchodzeniem licznych świąt. Warto zaplanować podróż na listopad, by wziąć udział w Święcie Zmarłych. Choć przypada ono na 1 listopada, już od połowy października trwają przygotowania; kupić można np. cukrowe czaszki sprzedawane na ulicznych straganach. Jest to przejaw meksykańskiego - wesołego podejścia do śmierci i życia.
Country in which spoken in more than 60 languages, modern mixed with traditional aspects, where the huge city is adjacent to the wilderness and wildlife. Mexico - a country of which they say that it has a hundred faces.
The climate is as diverse as shaping the landscape - can be found here and part of the desert and tropical. Vegetation is very characteristic of Mexico, the country is associated mainly cacti. In the vicinity of the equator also find the typical tropical vegetation such as palms and banana trees.
Mexico is a Spanish-speaking country, including the language to communicate with the majority of indigenous people belonging to many Indian tribes there. Knowledge of English is limited primarily to larger cities and towns
tourism. So wanting to travel around the country, we see even the basics of Spanish.
Yucatan Peninsula
While in Mexico, we plan to stay a few days on the Yucatan peninsula. Attraction here are tropical forests with lush vegetation, coral reefs and the remnants of Mayan culture. Diving on a coral reef is a unique experience not only for lovers of water sports. Thanks to many schools can benefit from the course, which will enjoy the underwater excursion, and novice divers. On the coast and surrounding islands, we find a company organizing the trip to a coral reef. A frequent destination for
Contoy is an island - bird reserve in which they live, inter alia, cormorants and flamingos. Lovers of adventure
may also visit El Garrafon, reserve and shark underwater caves. Yucatan Peninsula prevail also excellent conditions to practice different sports, especially popular is surfing and kitesurfing.
Those who prefer a quieter vacation can stay in one of the seaside towns, where he spends his days on the beach and swimming in warm seas, and the evenings in the lively bars. Yucatan Peninsula is also a place where there are numerous remains of Mayan civilization. In particular, many find they can
Campeche. With its capital, we can go on short trips in the footsteps of former inhabitants of this land. The most interesting places to Edzna, with a huge temple Templo de los Cinco Pisos. Nearby is a square, where ceremonies and rituals were held, and played
the pelota - a team game ritual. Numerous archeological discoveries attracting visitors to Uxmal. The pyramid is the most famous soothsayer and the Turtle House decorated with sculptures depicting the animals.
Mexican rail trip
In Mexico there is a railway line, which is not without reason is considered the most spectacular in the world. Runs through picturesque gorges, bridges over gorges, meanders among the waterfalls and indigenous villages. It Ferrocarril Chihuahua al Pacifico. Travel on the route length of 661 km takes 12 hours. This is not only time to enjoy the sights. You can also get to know the indigenous culture. At the stations often appear Indian offering local products and souvenirs.
Mexican Fiesta!
Mexican culture has a very colorful handling numerous holidays. It should plan your trip in November to take part in the Feast of the Dead. Although it falls on Nov. 1, starting mid-October, is being prepared, for example, you can buy sugar skulls sold on street stalls. This is a manifestation of the Mexican - happy approach to life and death.
The climate is as diverse as shaping the landscape - can be found here and part of the desert and tropical. Very characteristic is the Mexican plants, with the country that are associated mainly cacti. In the vicinity of the equator also find the typical tropical vegetation such as palms and banana trees.
Mexico is a Spanish speaking country, including the language to communicate with the majority of indigenous people belonging to many Indian tribes there. Knowledge of English is limited primarily to larger cities and tourist destinations. So wanting to travel around the country, we see even the basics of Spanish.
Yucatan Peninsula
While in Mexico, we plan to stay a few days on the Yucatan peninsula. Attraction here are tropical forests with lush vegetation, coral reefs and the remnants of Mayan culture. Diving on a coral reef is a special experience not only for lovers of water sports. Thanks to many schools can benefit from the course, which will enjoy a submarine tour, the novice divers. Along the coast and surrounding islands, we find a company organizing the trip to a coral reef. A frequent destination for
Contoy is an island - bird reserve in which they live, inter alia, cormorants and flamingos. Adventure lovers can also visit El Garrafon, reserve and shark underwater caves. Yucatan Peninsula prevail also excellent conditions to practice different sports, especially popular is surfing and kitesurfing.
Those who prefer a quieter vacation can stay in one of the seaside towns, where he spends his days on the beach and swimming in warm seas, and the evenings in the lively bars. Yucatan Peninsula is also a place where there are numerous remains of Mayan civilization. In particular, many find they can
Campeche. With its capital, we can go on short trips
traces of former inhabitants of this land. The most interesting places to Edzna, with a huge temple Templo de los Cinco Pisos. Nearby is a square, where ceremonies and rituals were held, and played
the pelota - a team game ritual. Numerous archeological discoveries attracting visitors to Uxmal. The pyramid is the most famous soothsayer and the Turtle House decorated with sculptures depicting the animals.
Mexican rail trip
In Mexico there is a railway line, which is not without reason is considered the most spectacular in the world. Runs through picturesque gorges, bridges over gorges, meanders among the waterfalls and indigenous villages. It Ferrocarril Chihuahua al Pacifico. Travel along the route with a length of 661 km take 12 hours. This is not only time to enjoy the sights. You can also find out more about indigenous culture. At the stations often appear Indian offering local products and souvenirs.
Mexican Fiesta!
Mexican culture has a very colorful handling numerous holidays. It should plan your trip
in November to attend the feast of All Souls. Although it falls on Nov. 1, starting mid-October, is being prepared, for example, you can buy sugar skulls sold on street stalls. This is a manifestation of the Mexican - happy approach to life and death.
Mexico is a Spanish speaking country, including the language to communicate with the majority of indigenous people belonging to many Indian tribes there. Knowledge of English is limited primarily to larger towns and tourist resorts. So wanting to travel around the country, we see even the basics of Spanish.
As the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, we plan to stay a few days on the Yucatan peninsula. Attraction there are tropical forests with lush vegetation, coral reefs and the remnants of Mayan culture. Diving on a coral reef is a unique experience not only for lovers of water sports. Thanks to many schools can benefit from the course, which will enjoy the underwater excursion, and novice divers. On the coast and surrounding islands, we find a company organizing the trip to the coral reef.
A frequent destination for an island Contoy - bird reserve in which they live, inter alia, cormorants and flamingos. Adventure lovers can also visit El Garrafon, reserve and shark underwater caves. Yucatan Peninsula prevail also excellent conditions to practice different sports, especially popular is surfing and kitesurfing.
Those who prefer a quieter vacation can stay in one of the seaside towns, where he spends his days on the beach and swimming in warm seas, and the evenings in the lively bars. Yucatan Peninsula is also a place where there are numerous remains of Mayan civilization. In particular, we find a lot of them in a state of Campeche.With its capital, we can go on short trips in the footsteps of former inhabitants of this land. The most interesting places to Edzna, with a huge temple Templo de los Cinco Pisos. Nearby is a square, where ceremonies and rituals were held, and played in pelota - a team game ritual. Numerous archeological discoveries attracting visitors to Uxmal. The pyramid is the most famous soothsayer and the Turtle House decorated with sculptures depicting the animals.
Mexican train trip in Mexico there is a railway line, which is not without reason is considered the most spectacular in the world. Runs through picturesque gorges, bridges over gorges, meanders among the waterfalls and indigenous villages. It Ferrocarril Chihuahua al Pacifico. Travel along the route with a length of 661 km take 12 hours. This is not only time to enjoy the sights.You can also find out more about indigenous culture. At the stations often appear Indian offering local products and souvenirs. Mexican Fiesta!
Mexican culture has a very colorful handling numerous holidays. It should plan your trip in November to attend the feast of All Souls. Although it falls on Nov. 1, starting mid-October, is being prepared, for example, you can buy sugar skulls sold on street stalls. This is a manifestation of the Mexican - happy approach to life and death.