January 2019 2 131 Report
Miskin Dan Sepi
Seorang pemuda baru saja mewarisi kekayaan orang tuanya. Ia langsung terkenal sebagai orang kaya, dan banyak orang yang menjadi kawannya. Namun karena ia tidak cakap mengelola, tidak lama seluruh uangnya habis. Satu per satu kawan-kawannya pun menjauhinya.
Ketika ia benar-benar miskin dan sebatang kara, ia mendatangi Nasrudin. Bahkan pada masa itu pun, kaum wali sudah sering [hanya] dijadikan perantara untuk memohon berkah.
“Uang saya sudah habis, dan kawan-kawan saya meninggalkan saya. Apa yang harus saya lakukan?” keluh pemuda itu.
“Jangan khawatir,” jawab Nasrudin, “Segalanya akan normal kembali. Tunggu saja beberapa hari ini. Kau akan kembali tenang dan bahagia.”
Pemuda itu gembira bukan main. “Jadi saya akan segera kembali kaya?”
“Bukan begitu maksudku. Kau salah tafsir. Maksudku, dalam waktu yang tidak terlalu lama, kau akan terbiasa menjadi orang yang miskin dan tidak mempunyai teman.”

1. jelaskan alur yang digunakan dalam teks anekdot tersebut??
2.apa tema teks anekdot tersebut
3.apakah amanat yang ingin disampaikan dalam teks anekdot tersebut
4.jelaskan unsur ekstrinsik yang terdapat dalam teks anekdot tersebut
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YUDI 1). the ship was on its way from bali to semarang, via surabaya. on tuesday night, october 20, 1936, the ship was rolling in a rough sea. The oil cargo began to roll in the ship, which was making little headway in the heavy sea. Then, the vessel lurchead, rolled over and sank upside down in the six minutes. It happened off the coast of java, around 40 miles of surabaya 2). Well, Van der wijck was the royal dutch packet coy. Steamer. It was vessel of 2,663 ton, with three decks, and was fifted for oil fuel. It was built at rotterdam in 1921, and was 320ft. long, 44ft. beam and 27.7ft. deep. 3). Surely, there was. Soon after the news was received nine military seaplanes were rushed to the scene and arrived ten minutes after. Besides, five warship and one royal packet liner dashed to rhe rescue. On their arrival, the rescuers found people floating in the water clinging to tables, chairs, and other articles. The bodies of the dead could be seen floating arround. 4). According to one rescuer, observing from the royal dutch naval plane, nothing could be seen of the ship, but a large body of the oil on the water. He also said there were already a number of local fishing boats busily dragging victims into their boats while five warships were rushing to scene at full speed. The scene was a heartrending one with floating dead bodies arround. 5). Did you watch a movie entitled tenggelamnya kapal Van der wijck? 6). The rescuers got down on rough sea and fecthed the people who were then carried in boats to the warships, where they were given warm food and dry clothes. All the rescuers did their best to save the victims. 7). Well, the movie was based on the novel with the same title. For your information, van der wijck is a real name of a ship and the fact that the ship sank is also true. 8). The ship carried a large cargo of oil and there were around 300 natives and 30 europeans on board. 9). I don’t know. There no exact number of casualties or those who were missing, but it was reported that all the crew were saved. RATNA 1). Quite big. Then, what did the ship load at the moment? 2). Oh Good. Did many people die? 3). I can imagine how the situation at the moment was. cries of distress rent the air, I guess. 4). It must have been hard work, to rescue victims at night. To thumbs for the rescuers. 5). Were there any rescue teams? 6). No, but I ever heard the movie title. Why? 7). I bet, it was. Then, how did the recuers rescue the living passengers and crew? 8). How did the ship sink? 9). Really? Tell me more it. Tolong Hubungkan (Urutkan) Percakapan atau dialog YUDI DENGAN RATNA !!
YUDI 1). the ship was on its way from bali to semarang, via surabaya. on tuesday night, october 20, 1936, the ship was rolling in a rough sea. The oil cargo began to roll in the ship, which was making little headway in the heavy sea. Then, the vessel lurchead, rolled over and sank upside down in the six minutes. It happened off the coast of java, around 40 miles of surabaya 2). Well, Van der wijck was the royal dutch packet coy. Steamer. It was vessel of 2,663 ton, with three decks, and was fifted for oil fuel. It was built at rotterdam in 1921, and was 320ft. long, 44ft. beam and 27.7ft. deep. 3). Surely, there was. Soon after the news was received nine military seaplanes were rushed to the scene and arrived ten minutes after. Besides, five warship and one royal packet liner dashed to rhe rescue. On their arrival, the rescuers found people floating in the water clinging to tables, chairs, and other articles. The bodies of the dead could be seen floating arround. 4). According to one rescuer, observing from the royal dutch naval plane, nothing could be seen of the ship, but a large body of the oil on the water. He also said there were already a number of local fishing boats busily dragging victims into their boats while five warships were rushing to scene at full speed. The scene was a heartrending one with floating dead bodies arround. 5). Did you watch a movie entitled tenggelamnya kapal Van der wijck? 6). The rescuers got down on rough sea and fecthed the people who were then carried in boats to the warships, where they were given warm food and dry clothes. All the rescuers did their best to save the victims. 7). Well, the movie was based on the novel with the same title. For your information, van der wijck is a real name of a ship and the fact that the ship sank is also true. 8). The ship carried a large cargo of oil and there were around 300 natives and 30 europeans on board. 9). I don’t know. There no exact number of casualties or those who were missing, but it was reported that all the crew were saved. RATNA 1). Quite big. Then, what did the ship load at the moment? 2). Oh Good. Did many people die? 3). I can imagine how the situation at the moment was. cries of distress rent the air, I guess. 4). It must have been hard work, to rescue victims at night. To thumbs for the rescuers. 5). Were there any rescue teams? 6). No, but I ever heard the movie title. Why? 7). I bet, it was. Then, how did the recuers rescue the living passengers and crew? 8). How did the ship sink? 9). Really? Tell me more it. Tolong Hbungkan Percakapan atau dialog YUDI DENGAN RATNA !!

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