Jesteś na wycieczce klasowej nad morzem. Napisz pocztówkę do kolegi/koleżanki z Anglii. Po angielsku oczywiście xD
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- zawrzesz informacje o tym, gdzie jesteś
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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Jacky < byle jakie imie >,
I'm on a school trip, near the seaside. We are sigthseeing, playing and having good time. The weather is fine, it isn't raining, but there are some clouds on the sky. We are coming back next Sunday. I hope we will meet soon.
HeyBasia!I am nowat the seaside.The sea isbeautiful andit is very warm.I've seena lot of greatplaces.What impressedmethe sea.Pity you'renot here, you'd beimpressed.I'll be backin two weekswarmlygreetyou. XYZ