Tennisballis a smallbutusefulin many things.Unfortunately,manychildren'sentertainmentsometimeslead herto distraction.Hours ofcourt andstickbouncefallingto the floormust beveryhurt.Some childrenbounceitonthe platein the houseuntilI can notimagine it!Verysorry forher.I would liketo visit herand askhow she was feeling, but unfortunatelyit does not exist.
Tennisballis a smallbutusefulin many things.Unfortunately,manychildren'sentertainmentsometimeslead herto distraction.Hours ofcourt andstickbouncefallingto the floormust beveryhurt.Some childrenbounceitonthe platein the houseuntilI can notimagine it!Verysorry forher.I would liketo visit herand askhow she was feeling, but unfortunatelyit does not exist.