en ingles ,???las enchiladas son un platillo que se guisa empezando con una tortilla al sartén con aceite y ya caliente se le agrega pollo deshebrado y termina por agregársele una salsa tibia y adornando su imagen y sabor con crema y queso .enchiladas are a dish that is cooked starting with a tortilla to the pan with hot oil and adds shredded chicken and ends added to them a lukewarm sauce and decorating their image and taste with cream and cheese.
en ingles ,???las enchiladas son un platillo que se guisa empezando con una tortilla al sartén con aceite y ya caliente se le agrega pollo deshebrado y termina por agregársele una salsa tibia y adornando su imagen y sabor con crema y queso .enchiladas are a dish that is cooked starting with a tortilla to the pan with hot oil and adds shredded chicken and ends added to them a lukewarm sauce and decorating their image and taste with cream and cheese.