January 2019 1 14 Report
3.Stosując zerowy lub pierwszy okres warunkowy uzupelnij zdania odpowiednia forma czasownikow podanych w nawiasach.
a). If you (not be)_________ satisfied with the shop we will give you money back.
b) If babies______ (be) hungry they______ (cry)

4.Zastąp GET innymi czasownikami bez zmiany znaczeń zdań.
a) The rain gets there just after midnight.
b) Can you get a chair from the kitchen, please?
c) I went shopping, but didn't get what I needed.
d) Humans will get taller and fitter in the future if they eat better for me...
e) I got a letter from my pen friend this morning.
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Uzupełnianka!!! :P łatwe.... ^^ ale mi się śpieszy. Proszę. Sorry za błedy xd :D 1. Uzupełnij zdania używając WILL i wybranych, podanych słówek; FORGET, GET, MARRIED, WIN, PASS, GO, BE, SAVE; a) Pete_____ the race on Saturday. He's definitely the fastest runner. b) Sadly, in a hundred year' time, a lot of wild animals _____ here. c) I don't think I _______ the exam. d) We_______ Bob and Anna _____? In Warsaw or London? 2. Uzupełnij dialog podanymi czasownikami oraz WILL lub GOING TO. A; Hi Terry. What__________( do) after school today? B: I think I_________(go) to the library. What about you? A; I_______ (have) a coffee with Brain and Marta. Do you want to join us? B; I don't expect I (have)________ free time______(meet)? A; I hope we_________(see) at 4;30 in the(..) that, I think we'll be playing tennis at the club. B; OK. I_________ (call) you latter, bye. 3.Stosując zerowy lub pierwszy okres warunkowy uzupelnij zdania odpowiednia forma czasownikow podanych w nawiasach. a). If you (not be)_________ satisfied with the shop we will give you money back. b) If babies______ (be) hungry they______ (cry) 4.Zastąp GET innymi czasownikami bez zmiany znaczeń zdań. a) The rain gets there just after midnight. b) Can you get a chair from the kitchen, please? c) I went shopping, but didn't get what I needed. d) Humans will get taller and fitter in the future if they eat better for me... e) I got a letter from my pen friend this morning. 5.Uzupelnij zdania wyrazeniami z GET. a) Hurry up! You need to ______ for the party. b) I will switch the light on, because it's ________ in here. c) Hurry up! It's time for bed. It's ________ . d) 1. Let's have a break, I'm ______ 2. Come on! Just two more kilometres to go.

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