1.Ja nie śpię. 2.Ty nie jesz śniadania teraz. 3.On nie słucha muzyki teraz. 4.My nie jedziemy na wakacje w piątek. 5.Wy nie gracie jutro w koszykówkę. 6.Oni nie malują domu w tym tygodniu.
1.Ja czytam książkę. 2.Moja siostra bierze prysznic. 3.My stuchamy muzyki. 4.Moi koledzy biegają w parku. 5.One jadą na koncert w sobotę. 6. Wy czytacie,,Narnię" w tym miesiącu.
Verified answer
1. I'm not sleeping
2. You're not eating breakfast now.
3. He isn't listening to music now.
4. We aren't going on holiday on Friday
5. You aren't playing basketball tomorrow
6. They aren't painting the house this week.
1. I'm reading a book.
2. My sister is having a shower
3. We're listening to music
4. My friends are running in the park
5. They're going to a concert on Saturday
6. You're reading Narnia this month
1. I'm not sleeping
2. You're not eating breakfast now.
3. He isn't listening to music now.
4. We aren't going on holiday on Friday
5. You aren't playing basketball tomorrow
6. They aren't painting the house this week.
1. I'm reading a book.
2. My sister is having a shower
3. We're listening to music
4. My friends are running in the park
5. They're going to a concert on Saturday
6. You're reading Narnia this month