November 2019 1 18 Report
16. Suatu proses yang terjadi apabila individu atau kelompok berusaha mencapai tujuan dengan
menentang pihak lawan dengan ancaman disebut
a kerja sama
d akomodasi
17 Suatu sistem tata kelakuan dalam hubungan yang berpusat kepada aktivitas aktivitas untuk
Berbagai kebutuhan khusus dalam masyarakat disebut
a.pranata Agama b.pranata ekonomi c.pranata sosial d.adat istiadat
18 Berikut ini yang merupakan fungsi pranata keluarga adalah..
a fungsi reproduksi
b.fungsi ajaran
c.fungsi hukum
d.fungsi sosial
19.Masyarakat Bali yang melakukan upacara ngaben merupakan contoh pranata
20 Untuk memilih pemimpin dilakukan pemilu atau pemilihan umum pranata yang mengatur sistem
ini adalah pranata
21. Tindakan yang ditujukan untuk memberikan penyadaran kepada para pelaku penyimpanan agar
dapat menyedari kesalahannya dan mau serta mampu memperbaik kehidupannya disebut
a kuratif
b preventit
o represif
d persuasive

22.Pengendalian sosial terkesan halus apabila dilakukan dengan cara
a represif
b persuasit
c. koersit
d kuratif​
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(The text is for questions 19 to 22)Anne :Are you busy, Dad?Mr. Rudi :(19)... What's up?Anne : Would you help me (20) my homework? I feel doubt that isn't correctMr. Rudi : Sure (21) ....... it to me, honey.Anne : (22)......Dad.19. a. Yes, I dob. Not at all, honey c. Thank youd I have eaten the food20. a. To checkb. Didc. Checksd. Does21. a. Takesb. Givec. Tookd. Gave22. a. Here it'sb. How are you c It's mined. Not time, DadThe text is for questions 23 to 24.""""To: WahyuI remembered we played in the rain yesterday Today, you are absent because of fever.Hope you get well soon and we could enjoy playing in the rain again."""""Anna23 What wrong with Wahyu?a.He played in the rainb.He has a feverc. He is all rightd He is in hospital now24 Who didn't come to schoola Annab Wahyuc Fatherd. Teacher""""The text is for questions 25 to 25"""**CHECK YOUR MONEY BEFORELEAVING***25. Where can we find this notice?a. in a gas a post officec. At schoold. In a bank26. When should we check our money based on the notice?a immediately after receiving itC. After arriving homeb. After we go out from the placed On the way home27 Rearrange these sentences into a good paragraph(1) I'm Angel's father May I talk to Angel, class VIILA?(2) Hi, Dad. Why do you call me? Is there anything urgent?(3) Hello, this is MTs DDI's staff. What can I do for you?(4) Yes, Dad. Thank you(5) O.K Wait for minutes. I will call her.(6) I can't go home today. There are some tasks to do. I ask Mr. Purnawan to take you home latera. 3-2-1-5-6-4C 5-1-3-2-6-4.b. 2-3-1-5-6-4d. 3-1-5-2-6-4​

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